
Bumblebeeware.com is part of our commitment to the open source programing community and our desire to share our sucess in the industry with bright young minds.

The website is a place we can share programing techniques with other perl programers and site owners. Offering perl scripts for security, server monitoring and web applications.

Our simplified perl captcha program can be integrated into any existing program offering a simple but secure method to prevent automated form submissions. Using static image sets it minimizes system resource use and allows for a simple solution with no need to install modules or other server based software. The captcha for perl script is one of the most downloaded captcha programs online.

A simple blank and white page format concentration more on the implementation of perl code and options rather than solutions. Partial code that can be used as a building block for bigger applications.

It gives us a venue where we can show that we know what we are doing while providing tools to webmasters that can help launch their web business. With over a decade of programing, we have loads to share and ideas that other programers never thought of.