The Cyber Web Inc has been operating since the early days of the internet. Back in an age when being online was a stigmatism that made you a nerd. How far back was that? All the way back to the year 1997. Yeah, its not back to the begining of time, but it is ages in the internet. And back before most people even knew what the internet was. The interent was considered some fantasy cyber world that had no real world value. Since that time the Cyber Web has been at the forefront of invovative programing. Building e-commerce systems for massive aplications and partnering with e-commerce-inc.com in 1998. Building one of the busiest processing gateways online. Processing millions of transactions worldwide. In the years of 1999 to 2003 most of the programing developed was leased to companies for operating e-commerce businesses online. Programing from Video Chat to Payrol Management and Online shopping were leased to sucessful companies that could bankroll the development of cutting edge programing and insure that they always had the latest and greatest. With high demand websites and powerful clients the stress of managing millions of dollars in sales 24-7-365 was begining to overwhelm the cyber machine. With declining online sales, clients dropped off the internet radar daily and soon leaving this over burdened company now looking for alternate opportunities. In 2003 The Cyber Web Inc decided to purchase the programing rights and graphics from BumbleBee Enterprises. The purchase put the cyber web back on the internet road map. The Cyber Web had created all the programing for Bumblebee Enterprises under contract and had new technology to advance even further. The massive branding that BumbleBee had, appearing on thousands of TV spots and magazines and thousands of websites gave the cyber web instant marketing power and recognition for a bargain price. The Cyber Web spent an entire year developing new software to provide website hosting and e-commerce all in one package for just $7.95/month. The do it yourself website system is still considered one of the most user friendly systems online. This new project brought years of technology and experience to the average joe for less than the cost of a hot lunch. Systems that would once cost tens of thousands of dollars and years to develop. Now are a click away with the bumblebeeworks.com Website Hosting System. After about a year and a half the bumblebeeworks hosting clients began to ask for more comprehensive tools as then became more web savvy. Now facing a dilema since the system was built for the novice but the novices were learning more daily and becoming much more capable webmasters. We quickly responded with an intermediate site builder platform. Building an entirely new development system totaly managed via the web. Taking web design to a new level with pageBuzz.com. pageBuzz continues to grow as more advanced developers tools are added and more clients demand new programing for their business. The new system gives the advanced developer an opportunity to build extensive e-commerce websites and allows the site owner complete site management. This takes web development to a new area. The best of both worlds. Get profesional design but still get site access and full support for just a few dollars a month. For developers, they get an advanced shopping cart solution without having to do any additional work. It cuts their cost and allows them to provide the same quality website to clients at a lower cost but still make an equal profit. The cyberweb continues to develop new concepts in programing with Free Classified websites such as buzztrader.com and craftersbuzz.com all using that all so familiar Bumblebee theme. The Cyber Web remains an innovator with new programs in 2006 that reward website users with points that can be redeemed in our cental store bumblebeestores.com. A program that rewards users for content submissions, forum posts and sending incoming traffic. It's a new concept to pay users rather than charging them. A concept that makes the cyber sites extremely desireable to advertisers due to heavy participation and high traffic levels. Estimates say that nearly 40% of all Americans online have used one of the websites created by the cyberweb from 1997 to 2008. Tens of millions of people have used CyberWeb Software in some form during their surfing. That makes the cyber web a major player in the game. But the truth is, we are just a little Home Based Business that has made a load of money using the interent as a tool. With dreams and expectations of Google proportions we move on and on to bigger and better days. Our growing base of affiliate sites and application sites from classifieds to advertising and hosting make us a dynamic little machine. With no debt and growing at a consistant pace our company looks more desireable every day. Still, we try to remain small to insure that the tools to grow are not comprimised and we can maintain stability in our hosting products for all of our clients.